QWEN Instructions

Qwen has 26 instructions. Instructions are all two bytes long and stored big-endian. The instructions are listed below, in hexadecimal.
-NNNN: Address
-NN: 8-bit constant
-N: 4-bit constant
-X and Y: 4-bit register identifier
-PC: Program Counter
-I: 16-bit register
-RN: One of the 16 variables. N can be 0 to F (Hexadecimal)
Opcode Type C Pseudo Explanation
0x0000 Display clear(); Clears the display.
0x0001 Flow return; Returns from a subroutine. Sets the PC to address at the top of the stack, then subtracts 1 from the stack pointer (SP).
0x0002 Flow goto NNNN; Jumps to address NNNN(High byte from R0 register and low byte from R1 register). Sets the PC to NNNN.
0x0003 Flow *(0xNNNN)(); Calls subroutine at NNNN(High byte from R0 register and low byte from R1 register). Increments the stack pointer, then puts
the current PC on the top of the stack. The PC is then set to NNNN.
0x1XNN Assign RX = NN; Sets RX to NN.
0x2XY0 Assign RX = RY; Sets RX to the value of RY.
0x2NN1 Assign *((R0<<8) | (R1)) = NN; Set (R0<<8) | R1 memory location to NN.
0x31XY Bitwise Operation RX = RX | RY; Sets RX to RX or RY (Bitwise OR Operation).
0x32XY Bitwise Operation RX = RX & RY; Sets RX to RX and RY (Bitwise AND Operation).
0x33XY Bitwise Operation RX = RX ^ RY; Sets RX to RX xor RY (Bitwise XOR Operation).
0x34X1 Bitwise Operation RX >>= 1; Stores the least significant bit of RX in RF and then shifts RX to the right by 1.
0x34X2 Bitwise Operation RX <<= 1; Stores the most significant bit of RX in RY and then shifts RX to the left by 1.
0x4XNN Math Operation RX += NN; Adds NN to RX (Carry flag is not changed).
0x51XY Math Operation RX += RY; Adds RY to RX. RF is set to 1 when there's carry, and to 0 when there isn't.
0x52XY Math Operation RX -= RY; RY is subtracted from RX. RF is set to 0 when there's a borrow, and 1 when there isn't.
0x6XNN Condition if (RX==NN); Skip the next instruction if RX equals NN.
0x7XNN Condition if (RX!=NN); Skip the next instruction if RX doesn't equal NN.
0x8XY0 Condition if (RX==RY); Skip the next instruction if RX qeuals RY.
0x9X01 Key Operation if (key()==RX); Skip the next instruction if the key stored in RX is pressed .
0xA000 Memory RI += NNNN; Adds NNNN(High byte from R0 register and low byte from R1 register) to RI
0xBX00 Memory RI = sprite_address[RX]; Sets RI to the location of the sprite for the character code in RX. Characters A-Z (Non-case-sensitive), 0-9, +, -, *, /.
0xC00X Random Operation RX = rand(); Sets RX to a random number(0-255).
0xDXY0 Display Draw(RX,RY); Draw a sprite at coordinate(RX, RY) that has a 8x8 pixels. Each row of 8 pixels is read as 4-bit-coded starting from
memory location RI.
0xEX00 Key Operation RX = get_key(); A key press is awaited, and then stored in RX.
0xFNN0 Timer delay(NN); Delay NN milliseconds.
0xF0N1 Sound play_sound(N); Play sound N(see sound chart) for 0.5 milliseconds.